Remote Work #Covid19
Mar 25, 2022

Remote Work #Covid19

Working remotely can be a challenge. I've recorded a presentation below with some ideas and strategies you can use while working remote.

A few things to consider..

  • Work with Managed Service Provider (MSP)/IT team
    to understand needs for working remotely
  • Identify point of contact for remote work needs
    — this person works directly with MSP/IT team
  • Prepare policies on expectations of working remotely
    — need to understand workload and that sharing of large files and live streaming can diminish bandwidth and connectivity
  • Determine need for laptops, accessories, and peripherals required for employees to work remotely. This may include webcams, headphones, backup power supply
  • Determine if large workstations (e.g. computer towers) can be transported to employees' homes
  • Take current inventory of laptops, accessories, and peripherals supply — loaned to employees, and for backup supply, if needed
  • Review VPN and connectivity needs
  • Implement the use of collaboration tools & communication platforms
    — Microsoft Teams, Google Drive
    — Cisco Webex Teams, Slack -Implement the use of remote meeting and video conferencing platforms
    — Webex Teams, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts
  • Establish a meeting cadence to keep in touch with remote team members — e.g. every morning, at the start/end of each shift, etc. -Verify that email system can be accessed remotely
  • Understand home Internet bandwidth limitations and resource challenges
  • Communicate the process for forwarding calls to soft phones and cell phones
  • Determine training needs to support any remote communication and collaboration platforms
  • Obtain appropriate licensing to support new tools and platforms
  • Set up collaboration and communication platforms to support teams and a general team space.
  • Prepare policies for using mobile devices, smartphones, and tablets and work with MSP/IT team to add proper mobile device management software and Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for security protection
  • Determine alternate remote location if working from home is not an option

Recorded Presentation

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